Faculty of Music

Learning to be Extraordinary


Music is constantly evolving, inspiring creativity and expression in a way that no other subject can. Music is not just about performing; it is about composing, listening, appraising, and maybe one day producing the kind of music and songs that help others to find comfort and inspiration in their everyday lives.


In Key Stage 3 student’s complete semesters on Performing, World Music, Ground Bass Composition, Popular Songs, The Blues, Bollywood, Classical and Romantic Music and Film Music. Ukulele Skills, Dance Music, Jazz and Improvisation, Music and Identity. Through studying these topics students develop their performance skills, with a focus on singing, keyboard and guitar, as well as their composition, listening, and appraising skills. Students also develop their knowledge of music history and understanding of music theory.


At Key Stage 4 we offer the Level 2 BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice and OCR GCSE Music.

Level 2 BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice:
This is a specialist music industry vocational qualification with a practical focus. The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and range of skills needed to become a successful Music performer and producer. Students complete three components, Exploring Music Products and Styles, Music Skills Development, and Responding to a Commercial Music Brief. The course is equivalent to GCSE and fully accredited by OfQual and DfES.

OCR GCSE Music: This course will be starting in September 2023:
This course is designed to develop student’s skills in performing, composing, listening to, and appraising music. For their performance, students prepare and perform one solo piece and one ensemble piece of music. For composition, students write two pieces of music, one in any style at all, and the other linked to a set brief. Students sit an exam at the end of the course where they answer questions on listening and appraising (1 ½ hour examination) a selection of questions on unheard music based on the 4 areas of study. Students need to know how the music is constructed, how it creates mood and how its composer has used musical devices and elements such as melody, rhythm, harmony and structure.



Level 3 BTEC National Extended Certificate in Music Performance:

This is a relevant and contemporary qualification that gives you a broad overview of the Music sector, and is perfect for students who love performing and creating their own music. Units of study include, Practical Music Theory and Harmony, Professional Practice in the Music Industry, Ensemble Music Performance, and Solo Performance. The course will also allow you to develop a broad range of transferable skills, preparing you for music at university, and for work in the music industry.


CSIA offers one-to-one instrumental lessons on a wide range of instruments including voice, piano, guitar, drums, brass, strings and woodwind. For more information and to sign up for lessons please: Google Form


Monday Tutor Time – Year 11 Revision & Coursework Catch Up

Tuesday 3- 4pm (Musical Theatre Group for all Years)

Wednesday 3-4pm – (Musical Theatre Group for all Years)

Wednesday 3-4pm – Year 11/10 Revision & Coursework Catch Up

Thursday 3 – 4pm – Ukulele Band / Production and Practice


We pride ourselves in offering the highest quality Music provision in the classroom, through our peripatetic programme, and through our extra-curricular activities and events. In August 2022, 100% of our Level 2 BTEC Tech Award in Music students achieved a pass or above. A Level Music is also extremely successful and we have had a 100% Pass rate for 9 years. Last year, we had 100% pass rate in Level 3 BTEC National Extended Certificate in Music Performance.


The music industry is a vibrant and exciting area to work in. Below are just a few of the careers students can progress to.

Performer – TV and Film Composer – Music Producer – Sound Engineer – Musical Director – Music Teacher – Music Management – Music Therapist – Orchestra/Choir Performer – DJ – Music Journalist – Music Critic – Music Promoter – Venue Management – A&R Rep – Music Historian – Military Musician.

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